So I invited a yoga teacher friend along to the active retired group I run and they all tried out chair yoga. They loved it so much we are having her back weekly for 6 weeks! It started last week, but you dont have to come every week and newcomers are always welcome. Everyone and anyone over 65 ish welcome. Even my dad loved it. Some great stretches and mindfullness all while sitting on your chair so no need to worry about getting up and down off the floor. I was surprised myself at how beneficial it was.
Anyway, share widely, spread the word to older people, perhaps you can offer someone a lift to it.
We are subsidising the cost so it’s only 6 euro a class.
Chair yoga can have the following benefits for older adults:

Low impact on joints.

Improves flexibility.

Stress reduction.

Improves pain management.

Improves circulation.

Combats depression and anxiety.

Improves balance.

Promotes independence and wellbeing.
Call rosie for enquiries or to book +353 85 851 9818.
Come try it out and come any week you can.